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New Shine W-58 smart electronic kits

New Shine W-58 smart lectronic kits W-58 is one of the four generat ion of the first generat  ion of popular electronic building blocks launched by our factory in 2005. By means of manual control, magnetic control, light control, voice control and electronic control, various interest   ing circuits and practical circuits can be quickly as..

Brand: New Shine
Product Code:NS-W58

Price : Members Login Only

This product has a minimum quantity of 5

New Shine W-58 smart lectronic kits

W-58 is one of the four generat ion of the first generat  ion of popular electronic building blocks

launched by our factory in 2005. By means of manual control, magnetic control, light control, voice

control and electronic control, various interest   ing circuits and practical circuits can be quickly

assembled according t o the schemat ic diagram of the circuit. For example, 58 kinds of practical

circuits, such as hybrid circuit, elect ric music doorbell, hand controlled dimming lamp, music doorbell

and so on. And it can be successfully assembled in two minutes. It   is suitable for children over 5 years

old, especially for kindergartens and preschool classes. The inst  ructions are all displayed in the 1:1

image and text , and the st eps are explained. Only t he picture or the parts can be encoded and t  he

circuit can be completely assembled and Chinese and English version of the instructions are two

in one.

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